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59. Restraint

作者:李耳  阅读:次  类别:古籍 老子道德经(英译本)

Manage a great nation as you would cook a delicate fish.

To govern men in accord with nature
It is best to be restrained;
Restraint makes agreement easy to attain,
And easy agreement builds harmonious relationships;
With sufficient harmony no resistance will arise;
When no resistance arises, then you possess the heart of the nation,
And when you possess the nation’s heart, your influence will long endure:
Deeply rooted and firmly established.
This is the method of far sight and long life.
财务报告展望:市场预期YY Q2营收。美国同比下降20.4%。市场预期诺瓦克。美国Q1营收将达到2.34亿美元,每股亏损3.6美元。美光Q3每股收益预计同比下降27.6%,营收预计同比增长10.9%。实验控制(左侧。美国)Q4营收同比增长6%,超出预期净利润同比增长44%。市场预期TSM。美国Q2每股收益同比增长超过70%。Skx。美国Q3每股收益低于预期,Q4指引偏弱,盘后跌幅超过3%。市场预期微米技术(MU。美国)Q1营收同比增长10.1%,每股收益同比增长43.7%。英特尔第一季度净利润降至约33.61亿美元。CEO表示,全球芯片短缺将持续两年。自贡银行 自贡银行能邦定支付宝吗?每周基金回顾:首批四季报在新基金发行时频繁发布。科斯定理 外汇中的科斯定理怎么解释?重商主义 重商主义是什么意思?